Dental Crowns

A broken, decayed, or infected tooth can be painful and unsightly. The longer you wait to see the dentist, the worse the problem will get. 

Fortunately, Dr. Sam Delahunty and Dr. Ryan Osorio can repair your tooth and restore your health with a dental crown, often in just one appointment. 

Learn more about the many benefits of dental crowns at Canyon Rim Dental in Salt Lake City, UT.

Wondering How Treatment Works? Take a Look At The Dental Crown Procedure

Struggling with deep cavities or substantial trauma? We can treat your tooth and fortify it against further damage. First, your dentist will remove the decayed and infected portions of your tooth. Then, he will attach a custom, natural-looking crown, which can be made as you wait.

Will I Have to Wait a Long Time For a New Crown?

CEREC machine

Many patients share this same worry, and at our practice, the answer is no! While temporary crowns can be a helpful option if you are undergoing treatment with implants and crowns, Canyon Rim Dental offers an advanced solution for traditional crown patients: same-day crowns.

We can use our high-tech CEREC machine and lifelike porcelain materials to create a custom crown in one visit to our dental office in Salt Lake City, UT. You won't have to wear a temporary crown for several weeks as you wait for a permanent one.

Get the Help You Need


While a toothache or crack in your enamel may feel like a minor concern, the problem may be more urgent than you realize. These are often situations that call for emergency dentistry because delaying dental treatment even for a week can result in a worsening infection, abscesses, or loss of your natural tooth.

Do not ignore the problem. With one call to our office, we can schedule a dental appointment and get started on your treatment immediately. You can reach our Salt Lake City, UT, dentistry practice by filling out our contact form or calling:

(801) 486-3887

"Dr. Sam Delahunty is very skilled at his craft. I have been impressed at the technical expertise on difficult procedures such as crowns and bite problems.  Impressive use of technology.  I feel like I am in good hands." Jim L., 5-Star Review

For Your Crown Go to an Office That Puts You First

​As long as you choose the right team, needing a crown in Salt Lake City doesn't have to be stressful. Our dentists make treatment easier for patients with offerings like these.

Emergency Dentistry

Not all cases requiring a crown are an emergency, but if you're dealing with severe pain, damage, or bleeding, we're here to help. We offer emergency dentistry services so that you can find the care your teeth and gums need in a timely manner.

​Full-Service Treatment

Finding a Salt Lake City dentist who offers crowns and implants is crucial if you're missing a tooth or teeth. Luckily, Dr. Delahunty provides every step of treatment in-house, including dental implant placement. He also offers other relevant treatments like root canal therapy.

CEREC Technology

Our CEREC machine doesn't just make dental crowns while you wait; it also has a 3D CEREC scanner, which allows our dentists to gather accurate imaging of your teeth, gums, and oral structures. That way, you have an even more precise fit.

Save on Your Treatment With Our Featured Specials

Dr. Delahunty, Dr. Osorio, and the team at Canyon Rim Dental understand that cost can keep patients from pursuing treatment. We also know how important it is to have a happy, healthy smile. To make your visit more affordable, we offer featured dental specials, such as a 5% discount when you pay for your treatment in cash.

It's Our Honor to Put Patients First


Kim Atwood

Salt Lake City, UT


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The best dentist I have ever had. Skilled in all areas. Explains everything well. Has a light touch. Real good with the shots. Wants what is best for you. You feel like an important person.

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David Garcia

Salt Lake City, UT


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Dr Sam is the best!!! He's literally saved my teeth which has made me feel better physically and mentally!

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What Do Dental Crowns Look Like?

This patient came to our Salt Lake City, UT, dental office with a broken front tooth. Our team was up to the task.
before Porcelain Crowns
after crowns
Not only did we restore their damaged tooth, but we also placed a crown over their other front tooth. For subtle, beautiful results, we custom-stained and glazed the crowns.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Generally, a permanent dental crown can last for as long as 15 years. Our high-quality porcelain dental crowns are designed to be durable and resistant to staining.

You can help improve the longevity of your crown by brushing and flossing properly and limiting your consumption of hard or sticky foods. Visiting your dentist for regular dental checkups can also help ensure that your crown stays strong and your smile stays healthy.

The Convenience of CEREC Crowns What To Expect During Same-Day Treatment

If you qualify for a CEREC crown, we can complete your treatment in a single appointment at our Salt Lake City practice. Your treatment will involve several steps:
We can restore your tooth with a lifelike porcelain crown in just one office visit.
We can restore your tooth with a lifelike porcelain crown in just one office visit.


To make sure your experience is as pain-free as possible during crown placement, your dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb your teeth and gums before treatment.

Preliminary Treatment

Dr. Osorio or Dr. Delahunty will remove all damaged and decayed tissue from the tooth. If you have a tooth infection, he will first perform a root canal to remove the bacteria from the inner chamber of the tooth.

Tooth Prep 

A layer of surface enamel will be removed from the tooth to make room for your crown. Our dentist will only file down the minimum amount necessary to fit the crown.

Digital Impressions

Next, Dr. Delahunty or Dr. Orsorio will take digital impressions of your teeth with a 3D scanner. These scans will be uploaded to a chairside monitor where he can design the shape and fine-tune the color of your custom crown.


The design for your crown will be immediately sent to our in-house CEREC milling machine to begin production. The machine will carefully carve the crown from a block of porcelain according to precise specifications.


In about an hour or less, your permanent crown will be ready. The speedy production process eliminates the need for a temporary crown, as we can place the permanent crown in the same appointment. After your dentist inspects your restoration for quality and comfort, it will be bonded to the tooth with a durable dental cement, and your treatment will be complete.

Our Job Is to Help You Feel Better Come Visit Us for Your Dental Treatment

For some patients, dental crowns are a fantastic way to address cosmetic concerns, like discoloration or minor scratches in their enamel. There are also many functional reasons why a patient may need Dr. Delahunty or Dr. Osorio to place a crown, such as a root canal infection, dental trauma, or extensive decay.

However, having a cosmetic or functional flaw with your smile may make you feel embarrassed. You may be delaying treatment for fear of judgment from your dentist. Know that our understanding team never judges—in fact, we're happy to give you the treatment you need to help you look and feel your best.

If you're ready to start feeling better about the appearance and health of your smile, it's time to contact our Salt Lake City, UT, team. You can also give us a call at:

(801) 486-3887

Dr. Delahunty with a patient
Patients see our dentists for their understanding attitudes and high standards of dental care.
"Awesome experience with Dr. Delahunty. Crown went exactly as planned." Monica S., 5-Star Review

Do I Need a Crown or a Filling?

While you may notice symptoms of a tooth problem, it is nearly impossible to know what kind of treatment you need without first seeing a dentist. Before we do anything, we will provide a thorough examination to properly diagnose your dental condition.

In cases of minor cracks or small cavities, we may be able to repair your tooth with conservative treatment like a dental filling; however, extensive decay and structural damage will likely need a dental crown to give your tooth adequate reinforcement.

Our dentists will only recommend a dental procedure you need, and they gladly discuss all of your options in detail.

Alternative Treatment Options

While CEREC crowns are the fastest treatment option, they may not be right for all patients. Fortunately, Canyon Rim Dental in Salt Lake City offers alternative options to best meet your specific needs.


Lab-Made Dental Crowns

dental crowns

Traditional dental crowns are crafted in a lab by specially trained technicians. The advantage of lab-made crowns is they can be produced from a wide range of materials, such as zirconia, porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, or gold. Some people find that porcelain is the most natural-looking option and prefer this type of crown when treating a highly visible front tooth. Since these restorations are handcrafted offsite, it can take about two weeks for the finished product to arrive at our office. After preparing your tooth, we will place a temporary crown to protect it while you wait. Once it is ready, you can return to our office to replace the temporary crown with the permanent crown, completing your treatment.

Implant-Supported Crowns

Implant-supported crown

While we will always attempt to save your natural teeth before turning to extractions, but in some cases, a compromised tooth will simply be beyond repair. However, tooth extraction doesn't mean you have to live with a gap in your smile forever. Thanks to state-of-the-art dental implants, we can restore missing teeth more effectively than ever before. A dental implant is a small titanium post inserted in the jaw to replace your missing tooth roots. Implants stimulate your jawbone and help to prevent the degradation of your oral structures. Furthermore, the implant becomes a permanent foundation for a dental prosthetic, allowing us to secure a crown without altering the surrounding healthy teeth.

Dental Bridges

dental bridge

If dental implants are not right for you, our Salt Lake City practice also offers dental bridges to replace one tooth or several. While bridges do not provide the same oral health benefits as dental implants, they are less invasive and less expensive, making them a good choice for some patients. Smaller than dentures, a traditional dental bridge consists of a prosthetic tooth (or teeth) that is supported by a dental crown on both ends. The crowns are attached to the natural teeth adjacent to the gap, securing the prosthetic in the proper position in your dental arch.

Implant-Supported Crowns Offer Long-Lasting Results and a Natural Appearance

As you can see, an implant-supported crown is a subtle yet effective option that can replace your tooth after it has been removed or lost. Implants provide a stable foundation for crowns, and our lifelike porcelain and ceramic materials will make your custom crowns look just like the rest of your teeth.

"These people really care." ​Why Salt Lake City, UT, Patients Trust Our Team


Erica Barrett

Salt Lake City, UT


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The doctor and staff at Canyon Rim completely changed my feelings about going to the dentist. From the moment you walk in the door you are greeted like you are family. Each team member really takes the time to get to know you and your concerns or expecations and helps to make the entire appointment so seamless and enjoyable. I could not recommend Dr. Delahunty and his office more!!

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Andrew Roberts

Salt Lake City, UT


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It is truly amazing this was the best broken tooth I have ever had! No but really it's awesome THESE people really care! Got me in fast to fix broken tooth! Worked with me on future treatment plans that my regular dentist wanted to pull!!! Never again !! I will recommend to everyone I know!!! THANK YOU CANYON RIM, SAM YOUR THE BEST!!

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Canyon Rim Dental

Dr. Sam Delahunty and the team at Canyon Rim Dental are proud to serve the community of Salt Lake City, UT, with modern, comprehensive dentistry. We offer a wide range of advanced treatments for patients of all ages. Dr. Delahunty's affiliations include: 

  • American Dental Association
  • Utah Dental Association
  • American Association of Endodontists
  • Pierre Fauchard Academy

You can request an appointment by filling out our online form, or by calling: (801) 486-3887.

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